Now at Nicky Rising Ltd: de Gournay Hand-Painted Wallpaper
Offering an eclectic mix of fine fabrics, furniture, wallpaper, and lighting from across the globe, Nicky Rising has quickly become an invaluable resource for designers across Southern California. A few of the latest offerings at the showroom include de Gournay’s hand-painted wallpaper and intricate folding screens. de Gournay upholds a signature attention to detail and quality that shines through the recent arrivals, now at Nicky Rising in the La Cienega Design Quarter.
Coco Coromandel Design and Screen
Imported from the East in the 18th Century and beloved of Coco Chanel, the Coco Coromandel screen is inspired by the original Japanese Lacquer technique of ‘Kuancai’ and traditional Coromandel folding screens.
Brouissement Screen
The Brouissement Screen is a result of Nicky Rising’s collaboration with celebrated Parisian interior designer, Raphael Navot, whose custom artwork depicted a forest canopy pierced with sunlight. The loose, energetic brushwork of Navot’s art and his abstract vision of a soaring European arbor successfully pairs with Nicky Rising’s Eastern painting style to create a vibrant contemporary display.
Tooled Leather Designs & Lace Effect Design
The Custom Bas relief designs by de Gournay are inspired by gilded leather wall coverings and screen panels popular in 17th Century Europe, before the preference for silk and paper arose.
Separately, the Lace Effect design also uses the raised, Bas Relief effect, including a pattern based on Russian ‘Bobbin’ Lace. The design is made by continuous braiding and twisting of lengths of thread, à la traditional passmenterie and braid making in 16th Century Italy.
Hand Embroidery
The latest addition to de Gournay’s extensive technical abilities, the embroidered threads can be woven to match the tones of the designs or to add in new colors. The result is a stunning tonal depth to installations. Applicable to the entire range of silk backed wallpapers.
Kassena Tribal Design
Designed in association with British Interior Designer Suzy Hoodless for the 2016 Decorex Fair, the Kassena Tribal Design is inspired by Adobe-fashioned huts of the Kassena tribe in Tiébélé, Burkina Faso. de Gournay creates a striking geometric, black-and-white tribal pattern painted onto a blue-green dyed silk. The Kassena Tribal Design is an exciting foray into contemporary, and a resplendent display of de Gournay’s handmade capabilities.
Nicky Rising
8625 Melrose Ave.
West Hollywood, CA 90069
(310) 289-1385