Windsor Smith, named by Veranda as one of the top 25 design influencers in their twenty-five-year history, will make an appearance at Arteriors Friday, May 8th, from 2:30 – 4pm to launch her new collection for ​the company and sign copies of her first book.


In her debut collection for Arteriors, which features 40 items, Smith pares down iconic embellishments ranging from Greco-Roman architectural friezes to vintage jewelry. “My goal for this collection,” says Smith, “is that each piece engage conversation. I want these to be well loved now and heirlooms tomorrow.”

Known internationally for elegant interiors layering old and new, Smith made her mark designing highly personalized homes for leaders in the entertainment and business worlds. She works from Los Angeles, where clients expect surprising glamour alongside casual, day-to-day living.

Smith’s book, Homefront: Design for Modern Living (Rizzoli, April 2015), is about combining new belongings with treasures from the past, and reclaiming a home’s best spaces and remaking them to suit a modern life. The foreword is written by Gwyneth Paltrow.

Location: Arteriors
8620 Melrose Avenue

Arteriors, founded 27 years ago by Mark Moussa, has a reputation for specializing in unique and artisan crafted lighting, accessories, wall decor, and furniture. Launched with a focus on traditional accessories in classic materials, the company now offers a wide spectrum of styles in luxury materials and finishes scaled specifically for design lovers with up-to-date sensibilities. Arteriors offers collections from three guest designers: Windsor Smith, Barry Dixon and Laura Kirar.