Countdown to LEGENDS 2014 Continues with Keynote: “Back to the Future”
Luxe Interiors + Design editor-in-chief Pamela Jaccarino and designers Grant K. Gibson, Chloe Warner and Catherine Kwong get together on Thursday, May 8, at 11:00am and break out the crystal ball for a glimpse of where home design is headed, which periods from the past are on the verge of making a come back and how designers are changing the way we live today.
George Smith
804 N La Cienega Blvd
Respected industry-wide for its beautifully handcrafted furniture and commitment to creating heirlooms of tomorrow, George Smith proudly represents Bennison Fabrics, La Forge Francaise, Posse Furniture, Raoul Textiles for George Smith, George Smith Outdoor Collection and O-ECO Textiles.