LEGENDS 2019 Registration Fees
Registration with a one-time event registration fee is required to attend any venue during LEGENDS 2019.
Registration fees are nonrefundable.
Participation in the new “Shop the Quarter” on Tuesday, May 7, kicking off with breakfast, shopping and a Scavenger Hunt you can participate in, at your own pace.
Access to keynotes, panel discussions, open houses, trunk shows, exhibitions, author events, special appearances and all general programming on May 8 and 9.
You must RSVP for each venue you would like to attend and please arrive 15 minutes prior to start time.
General Registration includes shuttles throughout the LCDQ on May 7, 8 and 9. You may attend one, two and/or three days.
$495 after April 27, as long as VIP registrations are available
VIP Registration includes General Registration as well as the opportunity to attend all Signature Social Events including the Finale Party on May 9, and any additional exclusive Signature Social Events that are added to the schedule.
VIP seating is available at panels for which you have RSVP’d, provided you arrive 15 minutes prior to the start time, space permitting.
VIP Registration includes General Registration and shuttles throughout the LCDQ.
* A portion of the proceeds from General and VIP Registration sales will benefit Habitat for Humanity Greater Los Angeles and the LCDQ Beautification Fund.